Telegram Dictionary
Telegram Business
a set of features included in Telegram Premium intended for use by businesses
Telegram Support Force
a volunteer-powered initiative intended to help Telegram stay grounded to its community, and to be able to move forward and provide support for its users
Telegram Beta Chat
A general topic group, mostly concentrated of Telegram Community members who either enjoy discussing Telegram, or enjoy talking off topic, which additionally includes famous Telegram Developers such as Fela Ameghino. Most Telegram Beta updates are discussed here. #community
Telegram Beta
an early, pre-release build of an official Telegram client which may contain bugs. Intended to be tested by Telegram users and TSF.
The British creator of the popular Telegram News updates channel iDubTG. Discovered the Telegram Community via Telegram Beta Chat. Often dabbles in other things, such as a cup of tea. #community #people
Saved Messages
a chat with yourself containing additional features, such as organised categories in list view, and tags, a Telegram Premium feature
A type of group which is based on a set location. These groups are most commonly discovered using the People Nearby feature.
an individual with a registered Telegram account
allows you, your channel, group or bot to be discovered by anyone on Telegram, either via Global Search or a link
Global Search
Telegram's discovery system for finding channels, users, bots or messages.
profile name
often confused with the username feature, a profile name on Telegram is your real name or nickname which will always be displayed next to your profile picture.
a tool for broadcasting messages or news to a large audience
Emoji Status
a Telegram Premium feature that lets you display a Custom Emoji next to your profile name.
A type of a group that can have up to 200K members, and has exclusive features such as public usernames and chat history. It is often created when upgrading from a basic group.
basic group
A type of group which only supports up to 200 members, and harbours basic features such as sending and replying to messages. Pinned messages, public usernames and other features are supported when a basic group is upgraded to a supergroup.
Also known as a Broadcast Group, a gigagroup is a type of chat which supports up to 500K members. Only administrators of a gigagroup are allowed to send messages.
A semi-official Telegram client made and optimised for Windows 10 and 11, built using the UWP framework. Created by Fela Ameghino.
cloud chat
Chats that are synced with the cloud and are accessible from all of your devices. They use standard client-server encryption, making them less secure but letting them have more features in contrast to Secret Chats.
Secret Chats
Secret Chats are separate, end-to-end encrypted chats which provide an additional layer of security, yet with the sacrifice of features in comparison to Cloud Chats.
Test Server
three sets of entirely separate and sandboxed servers which are dedicated for the testing of new features