Telegram Dictionary#people
Creator of popular Telegram leaks and updates channel @adurovleaks. Once leaked an Alpha build of Telegram for iOS on his channel, which subsequently caused the Alpha be revoked. They are also an admin of @durovleaks. #community #people
Nikolay Kudashov
A Russian software developer who created a Telegram app for Android in a contest, which was then made the official Telegram Android app. He continued working on it until 2021. #people
Yuliya Vavilova
A girl of Russian origin who is supposedly a "crypto couch" and Pavel Durov's girlfriend. She was also his travel companion in 2024 all the way from Central Asia to Azerbaijan, up until his arrest in France. #people
Dmytro Karaush
a Ukrainian developer who works on Telegram's Android app #people
Ilya Laktyushin
a developer working on Telegram’s iOS app #people
Ali Fareed
a developer working on Telegram’s iOS app #people
Vasya Babich
The creator of the multi-platform Telegram Desktop client. He still actively works on this client at Telegram. #people
Nikolay Iamchenkov
head of the Russian branch of TSF #people
Daria Bondarenko
a Russian girl who is a head of TSF, once used to have a relationship with Pavel Durov after they met in university, and has two children with him #people
David Durov
a son of Pavel Durov whose mother is Irina Bolgar #people
Daniel Durov
a son of Pavel Durov whose mother is Irina Bolgar #people
Leia Durova
a daughter of Pavel Durov whose mother is Irina Bolgar #people
Irina Bolgar
an ex-wife of Pavel Durov #people
Andrei Iakovenko
Creative Director at Telegram. Most likely in control of the design language of Telegram, and is the main artist for Telegram's blog post artwork. #people
Remi Vaughn
Telegram's representative, and one of the members behind PressBot. #people
Mike Renoir
The developer of the official Telegram for macOS client. Started the project as an unofficial client, until he was hired by Telegram to work on it. #people
Vadim Chayukov
the founder of Telegram Info, and a photography director behind Durov (2021) #community #people
Artem Kolnogorov
A Russian software developer working on Telegram, probably on the front ends. He is the one behind the Instant View Platform,,, and potentially the front ends of other Telegram platforms like Fragment. #people
Igor Zhukov
a Russian software developer working on Telegram’s API (back end) #people
Vitalik Valtman
a software developer working at Telegram #people