Drink Less
The name of a team from St. Petersburg State University that participated in ACM ICPC in 2010 and 2011 and won several gold and silver medals. Aliaksei Levin and Arseniy Smirnov were members of it.
A web-based Telegram client built as a result of the 2019-2020 JavaScript contests was later officialized along with its competitor WebA. Its core is based on Webogram.
A web-based Telegram client built as a result of the 2019-2020 JavaScript contests was later officialized along with its competitor WebK. It was previously known as WebZ.
The previous name of WebA. The "Z" at the end was based on the last name of its developer, Aleksandr Zinchuk.
It is thought that the discard of this name was because of relation to the Russian military's Z symbol, considering that it was done when there was a war between Russia and Ukraine at that time.
Egor Zhgun
a sticker designer working at Telegram, author of the famous duck sticker pack
Stickers Bot
an official bot that allows you to create or manage sticker packs, custom emoji packs, and more
Road to Release
a now private, publicly discovered internal Telegram group which was/is dedicated for the private testing of new Telegram features by Telegram developers and employees
Telegram developers
Colloquial term for people who work at Telegram as a part of its development team.
Popular Telegram concept designer and the creator of the official Telegram icon pack.
#community #people
People Nearby
a feature which allows you to see other Telegram users and groups that are near your location, and vice-versa when you appear visible to others
This feature is heavily used for malicious purposes, and we do not condone using it unless deemed necessary.
a file format created by Telegram that stores Sticker, Emoji and Custom Emoji, max file size is 64KB
A new mechanism developed by Telegram that enables a group or channel to unlock additional functionality when a user provides it with boosts.
The more boosts a user provides, the more features the group or channel will unlock.
Telegram Premium
An optional paid subscription plan for Telegram users to unlock additional functionalities and increase limits. Users can also Gift Premium to other users.
Gift Premium
a feature which allows you to gift one or multiple users a Telegram Premium subscription
custom emoji pack
Organise animated, video or static Custom Emoji in a pack with the same abilities as a Sticker Pack. Also created using Telegram's official Stickers Bot.
Custom Emoji
Custom Emojis are either animated, video or static compressed stickers which can be added to messages and used in various other features, such as Emoji Status. Often organised into a Custom Emoji Pack.
images / media in the TGS file format which can be organised into a Sticker Pack, and used in a variety of chats to expression emotions that simply can't be conveyed in a text message
Telegram Direct
an official Android client made by Telegram in order to bypass the restraints of app stores such as Google Play and the Apple App Store, supposedly gets faster updates and is installed directly as an APK
Gmail Bot
an official bot made by Telegram that enables you to receive emails directly inside Telegram