Ilya Laktyushin
Dmytro Karaush
Nikolay Kudashov
A Chechen crypto entrepreneur who is originally from Dagestan but probably resides in Western Europe now. Pavel Durov has praised him and his projects in his channel at least twice.
They are also known as Roxman, and own a Telegram account with an ID of 25, portraying their close connection to Telegram.
#community #people
Evgeny Nadymov
a Telegram front-end developer who went to the same university as Pavel Durov and probably resides in the United States
#people #dev #employee
Creator of popular Telegram leaks and updates channel @adurovleaks. Once leaked an Alpha build of Telegram for iOS on his channel, which subsequently caused the Alpha be revoked.
They are also an admin of @durovleaks.
#community #people
mostly used by Indian communities: to make a redistribution of someone’s (Telegram-related) project, removing references to its original authors
Yuliya Vavilova
A girl of Russian origin who is supposedly a "crypto couch" and Pavel Durov's girlfriend. She was also his travel companion in 2024 all the way from Central Asia to Azerbaijan, up until his arrest in France.
2024 Durov arrest
On Sunday, 25th August, 2024 around 18:00 UTC, Pavel Durov was arrested in the capital of France at the Paris-Le Bourget Airport.
Paris-Le Bourget Airport
an airport in Paris where Pavel Durov was arrested in 2024
Telegram Desktop
a multi-platform desktop client created by John Preston that supports Windows, macOS and Linux
Telegram for Android
the official Telegram app for Android currently being worked on by Dmytro Karaush
Telegram for iOS
Digital Resistance Dog
Telegram's mascot created by Pavel Durov in light of the Russian Governments censorship of VK and Telegram. It can also symbolize the right to freedom and privacy.
Star Reaction
a special reaction that can be used to support channel authors by sending them Telegram Stars
Super Channel
displays the authors profile picture and name on channel posts, similar to group chats
another name for Aliaksei Levin, derived from their Telegram username
John Preston
Vasya Babich’s nickname
Nikolay Iamchenkov
Telegram Quizzes
A platform for creating quiz-like questions, which can be shared in Telegram using Quiz Bot.